Monday, 7 December 2009

The Economy today

I have spent most of the morning trying to avoid the newspapers and tv, this has become a bit of a monday habit out here is it is monday night before we can watch the x factor results show - sad but addictive (especially for the kids - obviously I wouldn't be watching it if it wasn't for them!) Anyway I just sat down to have some lunch & put on Sky news - & my blood pressure is now well & truly boiling! This could be just because I have an Ecomonics degree and therefore I apolgise if I am being a particular anorak here but unfortunately I have just had to listen to the biggest load of rubbish I think I have ever heard Gordon Brown spout (& bearing in mind that I am a political junkie - I have heard an awful lot of his c**p before.) He has just been up in front of an audience to spout of about how he is going to reduce the deficit & bring in efficency savings in government. this load of tosh has lead me to some observations:

1) presumably Alistair Darling (the privately aducated chancellor)is about to announce all this waffle in Wednesdays PBR to parliament so why has McDoom had to "pre-announce" it and circumnavigate Parliament - Apart from to try & get some headline obviously!
2) bearing in mind that McDoom has been in charge of the ecomony for 10 out of the last 12 years (& realistically for the other 2 as well) if there are effiency savings and "Fat Cat" wages to be culled then WHY THE HELL HASN'T HE DONE THIS in the previous 12 years.
3) The answer to 2) above is because it is only now that he has run out of OUR money!

Unfortunately the bottom line is that this big announcement will save us "about 3 billion" quid - let us put £3 billion into perspective - for the last months figures available (october) this governments deficit was 11.4 billion for that month - on my calculations that means that he has identified savings that will account for the deficit that his government ran up between the midnight on the 1st October 2009 and about 4am on 8th October 2009.
I may be in Saudi Arabia but I am increasingly worried that certainly Liebour, and to a certain extent the Tories, have absolutley no idea how they are going to get to grips with this gargantuan deficit, I can only hope that Dave (Brown might have mentioned he is public school)Cameron and George (Brown might have mentioned that he is public school too - but failed to mention that Harriet Harperson went to his "sister school" - St Pauls School for Girls!)Osbourne have a plan because if they do not then the UK & it's future are in serious trouble.

Ok Rant Over!