Saturday, 19 December 2009

Christmas & guilt about the weather

We have been really busy here the last week, Kids Christmas party (bloke who played Santa was a good few years younger than me (Are you susposed to feel the same way about Santa as you are policemen ? - in which case I am now officially very old!) According to the kids he was apparently nowhere near "fat enough" to be Father Christmas & he had red Adidas trainers on which caused some discussion amongst the kids - however as they all got a present they were not complaining too hard. We have also had our school Christmas production and term ended on Wednesday so 3 weeks. I have not yet finished the shopping as I still need to get some stocking fillers, so will now have to manage that with the kids in tow. Everyone here seems to muck in - we have been "Lent" a Christmas tree - although the day after we managed to get one of our own, we are sharing supplies of wrapping paper and other stuff as everyone seems to have thought of different things but no one has everything under control. It is a really funny atmosphere as no signs of Christmas outside our compound (for obvious reasons) but inside we have street lights, houses are decorated, trees are up and we have our very own carol service on Xmas eve. I have so far managed to source most of the food necessary for a proper Christmas dinner - the smallest turkey I could find however is about 25lbs so I guess there will be an awful lot of turkey curry to be had. The weather however is doing it's utmost to make it feel anything other than the middle of winter. Whilst the UK freezes we are all out and about in shorts still. We were all at the pool by 9.15 yesterday morning as him indoors was scuba driving in it before we go to the Red Sea for New Year, and although the kids didn't go swimming til later on, it was still plenty hot enough in the sun at that time in the morning. It does make me feel somewhat guilty that we are still worrying about sun cream, whilst everyone at home is hoping their heating doesn't breakdown but at least you are all in a position where you can have Christmas day with some nice sausage & bacon rolls and a glass of Shiraz or Chateauneuf Du Pape