Thursday, 3 December 2009

Driving in Saudi

The Saudis love their cars unfortunately my top tip for driving in Saudi is don't! It is only for the brave (men that is as it is illegal for women to drive here - so for once I have the perfect excuse not to drive home from the pub - unfortunately there are no pubs either) We drove into our local town the weekend before last - it is only 15 mins away - but in that time we came within a centimetre of being side-swiped - not once but twice. It is not unusual to see 10 year old lads driving great big SUVs as when they are the oldest male in the family then it is their responsibility to drive, some of them can hardly see out of the windscreen! Driving around in the evening is also dicing with death as all the lads who in the UK would go to the pub, have nothing else to do but to drive round and round showing off. I have without a doubt become possibly the worst back seat driver in the world - all in the space of a few weeks - I work on the theory that him indoors needs the extra eyes and ears - he insists however that I am panicking for no reason. Apparently I am also told that unmarried Saudi men are not allowed by law to have an SUV (4Wheel Drive) until they are married - up to that point they have no family and therefore no need for one!