Saturday, 1 May 2010

Alive and Well!

Sorry, I have not written a blog for ages, I have been backwards and forwards to the UK and just don't seem to have had time. To make matters worse we were stuck under the Volcanic dust cloud for nearly 2 weeks. We arrived at Manchester very early the morning it all kicked off to fly back to the Kingdom, unfortunately our flight down to LHR was cancelled, but the flight from LHR to Saudi left on time. We would have had time to drive to LHR in time to get our flight had we been able to get a car, but for some reason the hire car desks at MAN do not open until 7am. Anyway after a train journey we ended up refugees at the in-laws for a couple of days (Thank goodness they were there!) Over the next 6 days we missed a further 3 flights that we were subsequently booked onto - Very stressful as with each cancellation we would spend hours on the phone and trawling the web looking for an alternative way to get back. Each time we were getting re-booked further and further into the distance as the backlog grew. We finally flew back separately - Him indoors last Friday (having managed to secure 1 very expensive seat) and the Kids & I Flew back on Tuesday. We are just about re-acclimatised and luckily the kids didn't miss much school as the teachers were stuck in the UK almost as long as we were!

Anyway - Nothing in the compound seems to have changed, although as I type this we are having our 3rd thunderstorm in 3 days. My next door neighbour, who has also been back in the UK over easter, has taken to calling our compound "The Village" - I assume in reference to "The Prisoner" - There are similarities although luckily we are not yet called by a number - not yet a least!

I have been in full political anorak mode watching all the goings on with the election. I find myself frequently shouting at the TV over the way, in particular, that McDoom has been spouting off about "taking 6bn out the the economy" - Utter, Utter Rubbish! Leaving money in people's pockets to spend, instead of the Government taking it to spend as it wishes, does not take money out of the economy. Poor Mrs Duffy, I bet she wishes she had stayed at home on wednesday, rather than being insulted and then ending up with McDoom in her lounge with 100s of hacks camped outside her house. No doubt in 5 years time there will be follow up interviews with the poor woman..5 years on etc - her life will never be the same. I love election time & will be glued to the end. We have been invited out to a leaving party on Thursday night, so my idea of going to bed early and waking up in time for the first few results (presumably about 3am our time) has somewhat gone out of the window, Although I might end up getting more sleep than last election night when I was counting in our local constituency until 4.30am.