Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Who needs wii fit when you have a cheesecake!
So having been here a couple of weeks it has been decided that we ought to have a few people round. The compound that we live in is very male orientated as a loads of guys either choose not to bring their families out or, they are on a contract that doesn't allow them to be accompanied. So tomorrow night we have another couple and about 8 guys who are on their own, coming for something to eat. So the day started quite well. I got up and decided once the girls had gone to school that I would crack on in my dressing gown making the sauce for Beef enchiladas and a lime cheesecake for tomorrow night. Luckily we have limes, cooking bananas (whatever they are - they are green and never go yellow from what I can make out) Papayas and a few other unknown trees in the garden, so I thought I would make the most of the stuff ready to hand. Having got to a certain stage I thought that I would have a break, wait for the cheesecake base to cool a bit and do what is now a daily stint in the gym or on the Wii fit. On goes hideously scruffy 10 years old t shirt, and other old and ugly work out stuff (no need for anything else as no one was going to see me)I am 20 mins into my aerobics when doorbell rings. A poor & bemused Telephone engineer arrives to find me, scruffy gear on, holding 2 cans of beans, with wii fit workout on telly - you should have seen the look on his face he couldn't understand the reason why I would be holding beans (using them as weights obviously!) looking like I had been dragged through a hedge backwards, with what he probably thought was some animated kids tv programme on the TV. You also have to put it into context that it is very unlikely that he sees many women at all without an abaya on from head to foot - no wonder he looked gobsmacked! Moral of the story - always assume that you will be seen by someone. Anyway he fixed the phone & left finally, I finished my workout, got changed and set about the cheesecake. The employment contract here gives us a fully furnished house & no allowance to ship anything here, we therefore arrived with what we could carry within our standard airline allowance. I come to make the cheesey bit of the cheesecake therefore & I had to mix it entirely by hand - the sort of thing that you stop doing once you have left primary school - after whisking a coupe of pints of whipping cream I came to wonder why I had bothered with the cans of beans - I shall be buying an electric mixer next time I go shopping & furthemore make sure that even in the privacy of my own house I always make a bit of an effort!